Safe Schools Fund launched after kidnappings in Nigeria

Children in conflicts, Education in emergencies, Gordon Brown

In response to the crisis in Nigeria, where there has been a growing number of attacks on the right to education, Theirworld is proud to announce its support for the Safe Schools Fund.

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The Safe Schools Fund has been launched today to help protect hundreds of schools in Nigeria. The Fund will start by reaching more than 500 schools in the Northern states of Nigeria through a $10 million fund pledged by a coalition of Nigerian business leaders, working with the United Nations Special Envoy for Global Education, Gordon Brownthe Global Business Coalition for Education and A World at School. Announcement of the fund at the World Economic Forum in Abuja comes amid a time of crisis in Nigeria as more than 200 girls were abducted from a boarding school in Borno State three weeks ago.

The Safe Schools Fund will seek to strengthen the growing movement to #BringBackOurGirls and ensure all schools in Nigeria are safe from attacks in the future. The Safe Schools Fund will start by building community security groups to promote safe zones for education, consisting of teachers, parents, police, community leaders and young people themselves. In the longer term, the programme will focus on bolstering the safety of schools – providing school guards and police in partnership with Nigerian authorities, training staff as school safety officers, and providing counsellors to schools at risk of attack. As this grows, business leaders will seek matching investments from the government and the Global Business Coalition for Education will solicit more corporate partners to support the expansion of safe schools in Nigeria and protect the right of children to go to school and learn.

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